Reasons to get your Wisdom Teeth Removed!

Reasons to get your Wisdom Teeth Removed!

Third molars, also known as your wisdom teeth, usually appear between the ages 16 and 25. Although it is possible to experience no problems with the third molars, most people suffer from some complications. Issues occur mostly when these teeth grow impacted. An impacted wisdom tooth is either partially or fully covered by the bone or gums.

The effect of the Impacted Tooth:

To understand the benefits of wisdom teeth removal Sydney, it helps to first know the problems they can bring about. Third molars that are painless and apparently unobtrusive are ignored easily, but even the molars that are asymptomatic can wreak havoc on your gums and even lead to gum disease. Following are a few of the many complications with impacted teeth.

  • Swelling in the jaw
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Inflamed and irritated gums
  • Foul-smelling breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Loss of gums
  • Damage to surrounding structures

Reasons to get your Wisdom Teeth Removed!

Besides the complication listed above, impacted wisdom teeth can cause more serious diseases and problems. Here are some reasons to help you make an informed decision about cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

Infection and Inflammation:

Due to a combination of limited partial impaction and space, wisdom teeth often lead to swelling of the gum. This can lead to painful gum infection or other oral health problems. Researches show that once inflammation set in, it is hard to ease it. Sometimes, it spreads to nearby areas. When a tooth becomes impacted partially, the gap between the tooth and the gums act as a breeding ground for bacteria, thereby increasing the risk of infection dramatically.

Teeth Overcrowding:

When the third molars come in, they try to go into an already packed area. With little room to go in, the nearby teeth are often pushed to the side. This results in misalignment. Be it your beautiful smile is thanks to genetics or braces, wisdom tooth can undo a straight smile and spoil years of dental work completely.

Damage nearby Teeth:

While overcrowding occurs, the third molars can do more to the adjacent teeth than simply occupy their space. They can damage the adjacent teeth by contributing to cavities and bone loss.

Cysts or Tumours:

An impacted third molar can lead to tiny cysts or tumours in the jawbone, which can lead to jaw pain that will require the assistance of a specialist and TMJ treatment options that you can rather avoid. Therefore going for affordable wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney will be your best bet.

Difficult to keep your Mouth Clean:

If you suffer no pain or complications with your emerging last adult teeth, your future dental hygiene can be at risk. Possibly, as the space is minimum, it can be difficult to brush and floss appropriately around the wisdom teeth. Their hard-to-reach location and limited space can make these teeth the primary target for cavities and plaque buildup.

Now you know the reasons for removing these teeth. So for peace of mind, talking with your dentist can address any concerns you may have. You can also know wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney from him.

