• 18
  • Jun2020

Teeth Cleaning Vs. Teeth Whitening – Know the Difference

Teeth Cleaning Vs. Teeth Whitening – Know the Difference
Often people confuse teeth cleaning with Teeth whitening. But, teeth cleaning and teeth whitening are two different types of dental procedures that have different goals. While teeth whitening Sydney is done for cosmetic reasons, teeth cleaning are done as part of oral care regime to maintain your oral health and keep dental problems at bay. Yes,

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  • 04
  • Jun2020

Dangers of Delaying the Removal of an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Dangers of Delaying the Removal of an Impacted Wisdom Tooth
Although wisdom teeth removal is a simple procedure and recovery is quick, many tend to put off the treatment due to various reasons, including dental fear and wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney. Gone are the days where teeth removal was a complicated procedure. Today, with advanced dental technologies and techniques, dentists are able to perform painless,

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